California Water Management, Regulation, and Advocacy Resources

Kern River

Water Resources

There are a variety of organizations on the local, state, and national level that impact water management in the California and the west. These organizations work to conserve water, protect water quality, and plan for a sustainable water future.

California Water Resources

Bay-Delta Live

Bay-Delta Live is a data hub to facilitate understanding of the dynamic ecosystem known as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers Delta. is a portal for water-saving rebates and grants, landscape classes, water-wise garden inspiration and helpful tips on how to reduce water use.

California Coastal Commission

The mission of the California Coastal Commission is to protect, conserve, restore, and enhance environmental and human-based resources of the California coast and ocean for environmentally sustainable and prudent use by current and future generations.

California Department of Water Resources

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is responsible for managing and protecting California’s water. DWR works with other agencies to benefit the state’s people, and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments.

California Drought Information and Updates

The State’s Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) offers a drought information and updates page featuring a variety of helpful drought resources and links.

California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The mission of the California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to restore, protect and enhance the environment, to ensure public health, environmental quality and economic vitality.

California Fair Political Practices Commission

The California Fair Political Practices Commission enforces California's campaign finance and lobbying laws, which can affect water policy decisions, ensuring transparency and ethical practices in the political process related to water management.

California Farm Bureau Federation

The California Farm Bureau Federation advocates for the interests of California farmers, including on water policy issues, representing their concerns, and promoting policies that support sustainable agricultural practices and water conservation efforts.

California Governor’s Office

The California Governor’s Office oversees the implementation of water-related policies, and signs or vetoes bills related to water policy and conservation. It plays a central role in guiding the state's water management strategies.

California State Assembly

The California State Assembly introduces and votes on bills related to water policy and conservation, shaping legislation that impacts water management practices and regulations across the state.

California State Senate

The California State Senate introduces and votes on bills related to water policy and conservation, playing a crucial role in shaping legislation that governs water resources and conservation efforts statewide.

California Water Action Plan

The California Water Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy developed by the State of California to address its water challenges.

Cal/EPA Regional Water Quality Control Boards

The Cal/EPA Regional Water Quality Control Boards represent the nine regional divisions of the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) whose staff monitors and enforces the laws that protect the quality of water in California.

Cal/EPA State Water Resources Control Board

The mission of the Cal/EPA State Water Resources Control Board is to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.

Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project

The Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project is dedicated to acquiring, restoring, and expanding coastal wetlands and watersheds throughout Southern California.

State Water Resources Control Board - California

The California State Water Resources Control Board regulates water resources in California, setting water rights, protecting water quality, and managing water supply, ensuring sustainable and equitable water management practices.

Western Water Resources

Colorado River District

The Colorado River District’s mission is to lead in the protection, conservation, use, and development of the water resources of the Colorado River water basin and to safeguard all waters of the Colorado River to which the state is entitled.

Colorado River Water Users Association

The Colorado River Water Users Association is a non-partisan forum for discussing Colorado River use. This member organization, representing both upper and lower basin states, aims to develop common solutions for managing this critical water source.

Colorado River Management Section of the Arizona DWR

The Colorado River Management Section of the Arizona Department of Water Resources safeguards Arizona's interests in the Colorado River. They negotiate water allocations and policies, aiming for a balance between agricultural, urban, and environmental needs to ensure the river's long-term sustainability.

Upper Colorado River Commission

The Upper Colorado River Commission is an interstate agency focused on managing water rights and water allocations in the Colorado River Basin. They ensure fair allocation among Upper Basin states and compliance with agreements delivering water to Lower Basin states and Mexico.

Upper Colorado River Watershed Group

The Upper Colorado River Watershed Group is a non-profit organization that works to improve the health of the Colorado River's headwaters through science-based restoration projects, education, and outreach. They focus on community collaboration to ensure the river's long-term resilience.

U.S. Drought Monitor – West 

The U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) is a map released every Thursday, showing current drought levels across the U.S. and its territories. 

Federal Water Resources

United States Bureau of Reclamation

The United States Bureau of Reclamation manages water resources in the western United States, building and operating dams, delivering water to irrigators and municipalities, and protecting endangered species, directly impacting water availability and conservation efforts in the region.

United States Department of Agriculture

The United States Department of Agriculture provides funding and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers for water conservation and watershed protection projects, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing water use in agricultural settings.

United States House of Representatives

The United States House of Representatives introduces and votes on bills related to water policy and conservation, shaping federal legislation that impacts water management practices and regulations across the nation.

United States Office of the President

The United States Office of the President oversees the implementation of federal water-related policies, signs or vetoes bills related to water policy and conservation, and plays a central role in guiding the nation's water management strategies.

United States Senate

The United States Senate introduces and votes on bills related to water policy and conservation, playing a crucial role in shaping federal legislation that governs water resources and conservation efforts nationwide.

Other Water Resources

Maven's Notebook

Maven’s Notebook aggregates recent water news in the state of California.

My Water Quality

The My Water Quality web portal presents California water quality and aquatic ecosystem monitoring data, and health assessment information.

Save Our Water

Save Our Water provides water-saving tips and resources to help promote water conservation in California.

Water Conservation

California degrees shares their ultimate guide on water conservation and how to save every drop. 

Water Education Foundation

The Water Education Foundation is an impartial nonprofit that was founded in 1977 during a deep drought. It has put water resource issues in California and the West in an educational context to inspire a deep understanding of and appreciation for water.